Happy New Year to all our friends! BlueChalk Software is starting off the year with some updates and changes that we will keep you up to date on as we go. Last year was for the most part a great year. We had some bad, but the good out-weighed it. The biggest good thing was that Cara and I had our second child, Finn Michael, in September of 2007 and he is growing fast and doing well. Elwood, our 2 year old, is adjusting to the responsibilities of being a big brother much like you would expect a 2 year old would. His main responsibility at this point is to not wake his brother up when he is sleeping and that is a tough one sometimes.
I've set a few goals for BlueChalk in 2008, resolutions if you will. Maybe if I put them here it will help me stick to them:
1. Personally add 10 schools to our system. I was a little lax on sales last year. We sold, but I wasn't personally as involved with sales as I should be. We live on referrals, which is wonderful, but I could start cold calling and attending trade shows again. Maybe even, for the first time in our history, buy an ad or two.
2. Upgrade infrastructure. We have already bought 2 new servers to add to our system to improve our speed. We haven't gone live yet, but we will do that this year (early in the year).
3. Stay in closer contact with our customers. We don't check in with customers enough. I need to blog more, call more, email more, etc. Not so much as to annoy, but just enough to see if people have new ideas for improvements and such.
4. Little Tweaks. There are a few things about the system that really, really bug me. Just the placement of text on some screens, the number of clicks it takes to complete a few tasks, things like that. The odd thing is that no one has ever complained about the things I've got in mind, but they really bother me. Not to compare myself to George Lucas, but I can see why he continually re-edits the saga. Although he probably made it worst. Here's to hoping I don't let Greedo shoot first.
Thank you all so much for your support throughout 2007 and here's to you in 2008. Happy New Year!
*Check out the time stamp, my happy new year post came 11 days into the year.